Benefits Of Getting Some Fresh Air & Sunlight

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Ah, there’s nothing like a breath of fresh air!

We’ve all heard parents, friends, or coworkers tell us to get outside more, but is it really important?

Turns out, like with most cliches, that there’s some truth to this one. In fact, there’s a lot of truth behind it.

Getting outside is great for us. The sun and outdoor air offer many benefits for our mind, body, and overall wellbeing. Currently, Americans spend an average of 93% of their life indoors, but it’s time for a change. Here’s why.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of those really really important nutrients that can be hard to get enough of. Lack of Vitamin D is linked to seasonal affective disorder, multiple sclerosis, and other health conditions. Vitamin D helps our bones form properly and stay strong, and it also supports metabolic functions like neuromuscular transmission. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that impacts our circulatory and nervous system. Here’s the best part. Vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin, and you get it from the sun.

Improved Mood

Having a bad day? Frustrated? Tired? Unmotivated? Just step outside. Seriously, it will help. Fresh air and especially sunlight stimulate your brain to produce serotonin. Best known for its mood-boosting capabilities, serotonin helps our bodies regulate sleep and appetite, and it also lifts our mood. Getting some sunlight is a free and easy way to make yourself feel better.

Better Air Quality

The EPA Indoor Air Study estimates that indoor air is two to five times more polluted than typical outdoor air. Yikes. If you are spending most of your time inside, you are not breathing the best air, which will affect you even more if you have allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions. Part of the reason we get sick more often in the winter is that we spend more time indoors and are exposed to more airborne pollutants including flu and cold viruses. Get outside and breathe in the fresh air!

Overall Health

Spending time outside is great for your overall health. The sun and fresh air are better for your mind and body. Taking a walk outside is a great way to refresh your mind to regain concentration. So many of us are simply not spending enough time outside. No matter what time of year it is or where you live, there are always ways to enjoy the outdoors.

Take your morning coffee or breakfast on the patio, walk outside during your break, play outside with your kids. Find the activities that fit your lifestyle and get outside so you can enjoy all of the amazing, free benefits of some fresh air and sunlight.

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